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Overview of Dress Code Laws

A workplace comprises of people of different genders and religion. Therefore the way they dress will be different from each other. However, in most workplaces, employers dictate a dress code that their employees should follow. For instance, some employers regulate the wearing of specific clothing in the workplace. Also, employers regulate piercing, tattoos, makeups, hair,

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Whistle Blowing in the Workplace

Blowing the whistle is a well-known phrase often used to represent a situation where someone is disclosing certain information to the public or to the appropriate authorities following an illegal action that is socially themed as harmful. It can be any action of a person or a group such as an organization or even a

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The Key Facts on California’s Equal Pay Act

For those who might not be familiar, SB 358, which is how California’s Equal Pay Act was known during its legislative process, was authored by Hannah-Beth Jackson, a state’s senator more than half a century ago. The California Equal Pay Act of 1949 was one of the landmark legal documents that defined the process of

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Workplace Torts

A tort refers to a civil wrong which causes a plaintiff to suffer harm or loss. It is an act that can result in legal liability for the tortfeasor i.e. the individual who executes the tortious act. If you are an employee at any working environment, it is your responsibility to know about the various

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Types of Leave in California Explained

Employees and employers in California must understand the distinct kinds of leave which the state of California allows. In case California’s local courts call an employee for jury duty, the employer is supposed to respect the absence by protecting the worker’s job for that specific duration. Both employers and employers in California should abide to

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Some Facts About Labor Unions

An organization of workers that works for improving their working condition and protects their common interests is known as a Labor Union. It works as a mediator between the employees and employers. The main focus of a union is usually based on empowering the employees to bargain collectively by negotiating with their employers to make

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The California Minimum Wage Increase in 2019

The minimum wage per hour in the state of California is scheduled to have another increment by $1 by the 1st of January 2019. This scheduled increase is in line with the enactment of SB 3 in April 2016. The SB 3 was signed into Law by Jerry Brown in 2016 which was intended to

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All About COBRA

COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) is a law that allows employees to continue receiving healthcare benefits even if their contract is terminated. This law applies to employers who have twenty or more workers. This law does not apply to government and church (tax exempt) group health plans. Pros of COBRA • It allows you to keep

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How to Repair Your Credit Report

If you’re looking to repair your credit history then you must have some past financial mistakes, you are not alone. In fact the average credit score is a 620 which in our new lending spectrum is considered bad credit. A credit score of below 700 will cause applicants to have to pay higher interest rates,

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Overview of Arbitration

Having issues with your employer? Looking for a way to resolve your issues as an employee? Look no further, because arbitration is your new best friend. Arbitration refers to the act of using an arbitrator when settling a dispute. It is important you learn about the various advantages and pitfalls of arbitration prior to using

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